Pride in Practice
Kirkburton Health Centre are committed to being a safe and inclusive space for all our patients.
We are very proud to have been awarded a "Pride In Practice GOLD Award" in 2023.
We are always looking to improve the care we offer and we would love to receive any feedback from our LGBTQ+ patients regarding your expereinces at Kirkburton Health Centre.
Did you know we have a Patient Participation Group who meet 4 times a year and help to feedback and develop the services and care we offer at the surgery? We would love for you to be involved. Please ask at reception for further details.
As a Practice we offer care to all patients regardless of your sexual orientation or gender. We strive to achieve inclusivity for everyone and to ensure we provide excellent health care services equally.
We are a safe space that patients can visit knowing they will be treated with the confidentiality, respect and dignity that they deserve.
New patients and screening programmes
All trans gender patients at Kirkburton Health Centre are offered a new patient health check appointment as part of the registration process. At this appointment our Practice Nurse will discuss screening programmes, medication and any other concerns that you may have.
Please see link below for further information on screening programmes available to you
NHS population screening: information for trans and non-binary people - GOV.UK (
Support contact numbers/websites
LGBT Foundation helpline service
Contact Number: 0800 0119 100
The Brunswick Centre - Huddersfield
Contact Number: 01484 469691
yOUTh (Youth Out) Project
Contact Number: 01484 469691
Mermaids - Helping gender-diverse kids, young people and their families since 1995
Contact Number: 08088010400
Mind Out - LGBTQ Mental Health Services and Support.